Remembering Health: Orienting to the Light and Original Potential

In Craniosacral Biodynamics we appreciate that intrinsic health is always present, and practice orienting to the Health with a capital H, even when it isn’t obviously manifesting.

We practice remembering that in the face of dis-ease, Health is at work helping to compensate for challenging conditions. Where we have experienced trauma or overwhelming conditions in our lives, the Health within us has acted to protect us, or we wouldn’t be here now.

In this darkest time of year (in the Northern Hemisphere), many of us long for the light to return. These feelings may be exacerbated this year by extended isolation and limitations imposed upon us in the midst of a pandemic. Where is the Health here? It may be helpful to remember, that even during these long, dark days of winter, the sun continues to be present. Here in the UK, it is usually behind the clouds, but we still know it is there.

Similarly, our inherent Health is here, supporting us, often without our awareness. I like to think about our original embryological potential that continues to be available to us when we orient to it. Your complex body developed from a relatively simple unicellular organism, the zygote, commonly known as the fertilized egg. How did this miracle occur? Science is still not fully able to explain the mystery upon which every one of our lives is based.

The incredible potential of a single cell to become such a complex organism can remind us of our potential to heal, to recover from trauma, and to meet extreme challenges. Every step of our development as embryos and throughout life arises in response to challenges that our old form is not ideal for. We have the ability to change in relation to the context we find ourselves in.

Practices I love like Biodynamics and Continuum enable us to dissolve our hardened protective layers and return to the original fluid potential we arrived with entering into this life.


Meeting the Current Challenge

Do you find yourself rigidifying in some ways in reaction to the current circumstances? This is common when facing threat, particularly an invisible but apparently omnipresent threat like a highly contagious virus.

Alternatively, you may find yourself slowing down, softening and opening in response to the need to spend more time at home, being with yourself.

I believe the current global crisis challenges us to discover our next level of development, whatever that may be, as individuals, as communities, and as a planet.

What is your sense of the Health just now? Can you remember the light? Can you embody your potential even a bit more fully?

Posted in Biodynamics, Continuum, Prenatal and Birth Psychology/Therapy, Trauma and Healing and tagged , , , .

Cherionna Menzam-Sills is a therapist, author, teacher of Craniosacral Biodynamics, mindful movement called Continuum, and Prenatal and Birth Psychology. As well as having a private practice, she is a senior tutor at Karuna Institute, teaches around the world with her husband and Biodynamics pioneer, Franklyn Sills, and enjoys supporting practitioners through mentoring and supervision in person and online.

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