Please visit my new blog site!

Thank you for reading my blog for all these years. I have decided to move to a different platform for my writing. You are warmly invited to explore my new Substack publication, called Birthing out of the Shadows. It includes not only blog articles like those you would read here but also my artwork, poetry, and videos. Please feel free to leave me a comment to let me know how you find it. Please click here to learn more and subscribe.

Posted in Biodynamics, Continuum, Prenatal and Birth Psychology/Therapy, Trauma and Healing, Uncategorized.

Cherionna Menzam-Sills is a therapist, author, teacher of Craniosacral Biodynamics, mindful movement called Continuum, and Prenatal and Birth Psychology. As well as having a private practice, she is a senior tutor at Karuna Institute, teaches around the world with her husband and Biodynamics pioneer, Franklyn Sills, and enjoys supporting practitioners through mentoring and supervision in person and online.

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