I’ve Got the Whole World in my Hands

In my meditation, I hold the sphere of the planet in my hands, hugged close to my heart. Gaia is a mess! I sense fires and storms, inertial fulcrums presenting everywhere- an inertial chaos.

I hold her like I hold my clients in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy sessions. Aware of and acknowledging the inertia, I hold her with all her pain within vaster energetic fields within fields generated by universal biodynamic forces. I sense clearly how the earth has contracted, withdrawn from life forces, resulting in swollen inflammation that must erupt somehow.

Holding, my heart softens, holding the planet in loving kindness, orienting to her midline, fields within fields within fields. Eventually, I sense her beginning to calm and settle, the fires cool, the storms soften, the waters become gentler, the land remembers.

The session progresses; we are moving towards holistic shift territory. Gradually, as she lets go of her hold on the inert places of protection, there is a softening, spreading, return to wholeness. She begins to dissolve just enough to let in the potency, the life force. She begins to remember life. I trust the next session will continue the process.

Imagine if we all held our mother earth this way…

Posted in Biodynamics, Uncategorized.

Cherionna Menzam-Sills is a therapist, author, teacher of Craniosacral Biodynamics, mindful movement called Continuum, and Prenatal and Birth Psychology. As well as having a private practice, she is a senior tutor at Karuna Institute, teaches around the world with her husband and Biodynamics pioneer, Franklyn Sills, and enjoys supporting practitioners through mentoring and supervision in person and online.


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