Masks, Birth and Social Engagement

Many of us were born surrounded by masked faces of strangers assisting a medicalized birth. Imagine how it might be for a little one whose brain and body are geared for seeing mum’s welcoming face and feeling her warm cuddles to instead be greeted by a busy hospital room full of medical strangers. What happens […]

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Lessons from Our Amniotic Ocean

During our time in the womb we float in an amniotic ocean, supported and fed directly by our environment. We may appear to be still and passive, but our lives are full of motion, learning and interaction. So many during this pandemic period are struggling with an extended time of reduced activity, staying at home, […]

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What is Normal?

On one of my rare outings these days to shop, the cashier commented cheerfully, “At least we’re back to semi-normal!” I paused before responding, realising I couldn’t quite agree. If “normal” is keeping away from other people, wearing a mask, washing and sanitising your hands so many times that your skin begins to fall off, […]

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Receiving What This Moment Has to Offer

We might consider that every moment has gifts as well as challenges to offer. We may find that we more readily categorise some moments as offering gifts and others as presenting only challenges. What does this pandemic moment offer you? So many of us are feeling extremely challenged. Fear is everywhere, whether acknowledged or not. […]

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