Light and Dark, New and Old, Union

On the eve of the winter solstice this year, I joined a few other Continuum teachers for a Continuum dive to acknowledge the shift this moment in the year signifies. As I allowed my body tissues to melt and deepened into the embryonic fluid potential that we all have within us, a thought came to […]

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Earth, Birth, and Womb

Today is Earth Day, April 22nd. I am reminded of how our relationship with Mother Earth may echo our first relationship with mother in the womb and the time of birth. Today, in 2023, we are as a species in dire need for more conscious connection with our planet. I ask myself, as perhaps you […]

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Welcome: A Pre- and Perinatal Principle for Life

Every baby needs and wants to be welcomed. This need continues throughout our lives, particularly if it hasn’t been well met in the beginning. To really understand this, we need to consider when “the beginning” is. Most babies are welcomed once they are born unless they are abandoned or given up for adoption or fostering, […]

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