Cellular Consciousness at Conception and Beyond: Do We Know What We Know?
Posted in Biodynamics, Continuum, Prenatal and Birth Psychology/Therapy, Trauma and Healing and tagged Birth, Consciousness, Memory, Prenatal, Psychology.
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I rebirthed and remembered and re-experienced my birth during my training with Anna and John Chitty …owners and teachers of the Colorado School of Energy Studies in Boulder, Colorado! I was transformed and came fully into my body…and have totally come to understand this miracle of incarnation into human form!!! That was12 years ago and I am still standing in awh of this Living miracle of my human form!
Thank you Catherine for your comment. I trained in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with John and Anna and hold them dear to my heart! I’m so glad you experienced this transformation and can still stand in the awe! May it continue and spread!
Thank you for this insightful article!
„Memory within the holographic field of neurophysiology „ „Consciousness as a wave“ before and within structure and in form ~ so inspiring, this makes so much sense.
And yes, toddlers remember birth circumstances and play them out naturally. I witnessed this often, especially if unresolved. That would be a good time to heal imbalances with little effort, before they manifest stronger. But only few know about these options.
Thank you Manuela for your comment. I’m glad you found the post inspiring. Yes, these memories can be very clear in toddlers.