Layers of Support

The first section of this blog post is an excerpt from the book I am writing, whose working title is Spirit into Form: Exploring Embryological Potential and Prenatal Psychology (hopefully to be published soon!) “When all the layers of support are there for a family, the family hums. Support the mother, support the baby. Have […]

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Resting in Stillness

In this modern world of doing, achieving, obtaining and searching, how do we rest? What does stillness even mean in this context? How can we experience it? And why might we want to? That we might even be asking these questions underlines the necessity. In our rush to complete that internet search, to buy that […]

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Presence, Thanks and Health

When I used to live in the USA, I always appreciated the reminder at Thanksgiving of the potential to be thankful in any moment, in any situation. In my home country of Canada, Thanksgiving was not as big a holiday. It also more clearly related to the abundance apparent at the time of harvest. Unfortunately, […]

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Meeting The Little One Within

We have all been little. We began our lives that way. Little. Dependent. Vulnerable. Intelligent. Sentient. Vast beings entering into little bodies. Over time our bodies grow. We not only become larger but also more complex, more independent individuals. In the process, the little one that we were is often forgotten. Whatever wounding we experienced […]

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