Still Coming into Form

As a little embryo or fetus in the womb, you faced many challenges. As you met them, your form changed accordingly. I have learned from spiritual embryologist Jaap van der Wal that we are functional human beings perfectly adapted to our environment from the very beginning. As our conditions change, we also change our form. […]

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Receiving What This Moment Has to Offer

We might consider that every moment has gifts as well as challenges to offer. We may find that we more readily categorise some moments as offering gifts and others as presenting only challenges. What does this pandemic moment offer you? So many of us are feeling extremely challenged. Fear is everywhere, whether acknowledged or not. […]

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The River Will Flow Again

There is no denying we are living in strange times. Many of us are at home for an extended period of time, rarely leaving our homes if at all due to lockdown. A powerful little virus has seemingly taken over our world, determining how our lives look and feel, rapidly dismantling familiar structures, activities, and […]

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