Please visit my new blog site!

Thank you for reading my blog for all these years. I have decided to move to a different platform for my writing. You are warmly invited to explore my new Substack publication, called Birthing out of the Shadows. It includes not only blog articles like those you would read here but also my artwork, poetry, […]

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Welcome: A Pre- and Perinatal Principle for Life

Every baby needs and wants to be welcomed. This need continues throughout our lives, particularly if it hasn’t been well met in the beginning. To really understand this, we need to consider when “the beginning” is. Most babies are welcomed once they are born unless they are abandoned or given up for adoption or fostering, […]

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Remembering Love

When you ask yourself, “Who am I?,” do you acknowledge the love that you are? As little ones, even before birth, we are carriers of love, emissaries with a mysterious message humans are uniquely designed to communicate. We can be reminded by other mammals, also possessing a social engagement nervous system, and we as humans […]

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New Year and the Metaphor of Birth

It’s not unusual to associate the new year with a newborn baby. We instinctively know that this new beginning is like a new birth. It offers potential. There is a whole year, like a whole lifetime, of the unknown awaiting us. What is less often acknowledged is that every new beginning is like a birth […]

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