Please visit my new blog site!

Thank you for reading my blog for all these years. I have decided to move to a different platform for my writing. You are warmly invited to explore my new Substack publication, called Birthing out of the Shadows. It includes not only blog articles like those you would read here but also my artwork, poetry, […]

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Remembering The Space Between

It seems that everything I engage in these days draws me to orient to the space between. It comes up in classes I teach, somatic practice, supervision and client sessions. I can see such a need in our world today to develop tolerance for and skill in relationship to the space between. Our modern world […]

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Light and Dark, New and Old, Union

On the eve of the winter solstice this year, I joined a few other Continuum teachers for a Continuum dive to acknowledge the shift this moment in the year signifies. As I allowed my body tissues to melt and deepened into the embryonic fluid potential that we all have within us, a thought came to […]

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War, Trauma and the Potential for Healing

These days I feel even more grateful than usual for my supportive practices of Continuum (mindful movement), meditation, and the ability to remind myself of my current age and resources (to help me not feel like a little one being easily overwhelmed). I look around my home and feel grateful to have one, as well […]

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