Flowers, Biodynamics and Life

Everywhere I go, my eye is surprised by color bursting through the earth. It is spring. Flowers emerging remind us of what we may have forgotten during the darker winter months. It is a time when it is relatively easy to perceive birth, hope and newness all around us. What would it be like to […]

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Formative Forces: The Essence of Biodynamics

My journey of learning and teaching Craniosacral Biodynamics has transformed my life in many ways, as it has for so many other students and practitioners of this profound work. The question still arises, What is Biodynamics? Through years of study, practice and endless discussions with other teachers and especially Biodynamics pioneer (and my beloved husband), Franklyn […]

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Return to Love

We are inherently loving beings. As psychoanalyst Ronald Fairbairn pointed out, as little ones, we need to love and have our love received, as well as to be loved. When we are not adequately received, or we feel unsafe to love, our loving nature can become stilted. Our hearts harden. We become driven by fear. […]

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Once Upon a Time…

Once upon a time you were born. In the timeless months preceding this momentous event, you lived, grew, developed, learned – yes learned – within a dark, watery womb inside your mother. Life before birth is an essential period of rapid learning, as the little one prepares for the world he or she will be […]

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New Year: New Beginnings: Old Birth?

A new year is upon us. This is a time of death and birth, when we acknowledge the completion of the old year and welcome in the new. In the process, we often unconsciously re-enact our birth history. We naturally tend at this time to evaluate our accomplishments, experiences and our lives over the last […]

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